
September 2019 Organizing Resources & Monthly Recap

Well hello there y’all! It’s almost the end of September already and I’m happy to report that so far we have had no snow yet. Considering it snowed the beginning of September last year, I’d say this is a definite win. Yay!

Now for sure my biggest organizing project in September was switching rooms out for my youngest. I know I shared this before but for those that might have missed it my son moved from a small upstairs bedroom to a much larger downstairs bedroom. However don’t think just because he had a small room he didn’t have a lot of stuff he no longer needed in there. Nope. We were able to purge so much stuff that he’d outgrown and no longer wanted. Look at this purge pile!!

Also I wanted to give you a follow up on those beautiful bins I bought off the shopping channel. I ended up using three of them in my linen closet and am so happy with it. I love how you can access these bins from the front. Makes it so much easier to get what I need. I do believe you can get these on QVC but I don’t think they are available on TSC anymore.

Did you accomplish any big (or small) organizing projects in September? Tell me about it in the comments!

Free Printables:
I spent some time this past weekend updating my FREE PRINTABLES page on the blog. Be sure to come over and check it out. There are so many different printables to help you organize your life!

September’s Popular Posts:
Here are a few of my more popular posts in September according to my analytics. Another post from 2014 is getting some traction again. This one is all about how to organize your glove box.

How can I tell it’s September? When my care package post becomes popular again. Many people looking for ideas on sending care packages off to their college kiddos at this time of year. I love sending care packages to my big kids and wrote all about it. You can even grab my free printable to make a sunshine box 🙂

Care Package Ideas for Your College Kids

Finally many of you liked my age appropriate chores post with free chore chart printable. These printables are so adorable and so helpful if you have little ones!!

Age Appropriate Chores for Kids with Free Printable Chore Chart

I hope you enjoy going back and taking a look at these posts. Let me know if there is an organizing post I can help you find. I’ve written about many organizing topics here over the past 13 years!

Now it’s time to get into telling you all about the great organizing resources that my really fantastic sponsors offer. Please give them some love by going on over and checking their websites out. You’ll definitely be so glad you did!!

September 2019 Organizing Resources Organizer.Club

Profitable Organizer (now Organizer.Club!) is a company created to help you set up your own Professional Organizing business. I get so many inquiries from people wondering how to go about doing this. It’s exciting to refer you to such an excellent resource. Professional Organizer, Cynthia and her husband Adam have designed their business and training program to help walk you through this process step by step.

To find out if this is a path that might be right for you, you can take a tour of their site and watch a video that walks you through what is required and how Organizer.Club can assist you with setting up your business.

If you don’t want to start an organizing business, no worries. Organizer.Club can also help you get organized! Just visit this page to read when they’ll be offering their 6-week personal organizing training again.

You can also find Organizer.Club on Facebook.

Alejandra Costello

Alejandra Costello is a Professional Organizer who shows people how to become organized so they can live a more productive, efficient, and stress-free life.

Feeling stuck with clutter & can’t get started? Alejandra’s video series shows you 3 e-a-s-yyyyy things to do tonight to feel more organized tomorrow morning. How’s that for starting the day off right?! Sign up to watch the free videos here.

Here are some of her most recent videos:

Bathroom Organization & Storage Ideas
Purse/Handbag Clean-Out
Fridge Organization Ideas

SimpLESSity is Alejandra’s NEW online video-based training program that shows you, step-by-step, HOW to completely declutter your home so you can eliminate distractions & overwhelm and have more time and freedom for what matters most in life – our relationships & experiences.

It includes everything you need to know, do, and understand to make progress and fast decisions on what to keep and what to get rid of so you can simplify your home from the overwhelming clutter that’s holding you back! You can learn more about the new program HERE.

You can also follow Alejandra on Facebook and now on Instagram.

Smead Manufacturing Company

Smead Manufacturing Company is a well-known leader in high quality, environmentally responsible and innovative products, most of which are made right here in the USA. Founded in 1906 in Hastings, Minnesota, Smead is a certified woman-owned business offering thousands of organizational products for use in the home or office. For more information on Smead’s products, visit smead.com. For personalized organizing advice, tips and solutions, visit Smead Organomics.

Submit a Smead product review using this link and you could win a $100 Smead shopping spree!!

In addition, be sure to grab Smead’s new eBook called “Room by Room” organization. It features organization tips and advice for each room in the home from some of the top professional organizers in the world. Download your free copy today HERE. Happy Organizing!

Smead also produces a weekly podcast with organizing tips. Check it out at www.Smead.com/podcast

You can also find Smead on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and don’t miss their awesome YouTube channel!


Do you offer organizing resources to help others? Consider advertising with me. Please send an email to organizingjunkie (at) gmail (dot) com and I’d be happy to discuss my rates with you. Please also check out my advertise page for further information. Thanks so much!!

I hope you enjoyed this September 2019 organizing resources & monthly recap post. Don’t forget to always take a little bit of time each day for organizing! 🙂

PS: Curious about the products I use to organize my house? Visit my Amazon shop (affiliate link).
You will find affiliate links included in this post. I do make a small commission (at no extra cost to you) should you purchase product using these links. As always, any and all opinions are genuinely my own – or the author, in the case of posts by my guest contributors. Thank you!
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