Spring Decluttering and Organizing

Springtime in Arkansas is here, and it is time to tackle those daunting spring cleaning and organizing tasks.  If that seems overwhelming, maybe it’s time to call in a secret weapon – an Arkansas organizing solutions company.

Paige Shepard of Shepard Organizing Solutions (SOS) uses her natural personality traits and life experiences to help others organize their lives and plan events. While at Ouachita Baptist University, Paige oversaw a large student organization tasked with raising scholarship dollars and majored in education, where she learned to manage her time to set up an organized life. She served on staff at a central Arkansas church, planning events for families, coordinating weddings, and counseling families through grief and challenging situations.

When a need for job change came along, she began reflecting and looking inward, thinking, “what skills do I already have?” and “what do I love doing?” That reflection time revealed a love for organizing and event planning, and she set out to see if she could make a living doing either.

Paige had no idea that professional organizing was a thing. But, after discovering an outlet in Seattle, she presented the idea to her husband, and he said to go for it! After two months of quietly planning her new company, she went live in November 2019 and hit the ground running. Her business grew through word-of-mouth experiences, with a predicted strong start in 2020.

But 2020 did not start as many people expected, and Paige had to quickly pivot a business based on providing home-based services in strangers’ homes. So, SOS began a virtual consulting service for home organization and productivity. It kept this growing business expanding with new opportunities and a more comprehensive range of clients across the country.

Shepard Organizing Solutions

What does Shepard Organizing Solutions (SOS) offer clients?

  • Space Organization – for business or residential clients, decluttering, organizing, rethinking spaces
  • Virtual Organizing Consulting – people submit pictures, talk through solutions, then receive step-by-step instructions to implement an SOS plan
  • Event Coordinating – weddings, reunions, parties or nonprofit events
  • Productivity Consulting – workflow and routine evaluation and planned productivity prioritizing for life balance
  • Moving and Relocation Planning – pre-move packing evaluation and unpacking services
  • Custom Vinyl Organization Labels – organizing projects or child name labels

The best advantage of working with SOS is working with Paige. She spends much of her time as that friend and coach you need holding your hand and cheering you on as you make tough decisions about your home or office items. Sometimes the things we hold on to have memories that tie us to people and memorable times in our lives. Part of Paige’s consulting is helping you unpack the tough stuff and working through the tough decision of getting rid of something or finding an actual use for the items.

Shepard Organizing Solutions

Often having an outsider ask the tough questions helps us get past the need to keep. “Do you need all those receipts?” “Are you going to use the box for your electronics again?” “Will your children want these things when they inherit them?” All are vital questions about what we hold important in our lives. But, through accountability and motivation, a professional organizer helps us move through the “because I should” or “I think I might use it again” stage.

“Decluttering physical things often helps us declutter our heart,” Paige shared. “Psychologically, having a clean and organized environment helps our brains function fully and create space to hear what’s going on in our souls.”

SOS Spring Cleaning Tips

Here are some steps for a whole home declutter! Start here with spring cleaning before tackling any big projects. There is no long-term benefit to cleaning or organizing spaces without decluttering first!

  • Grab two trash bags.
  • Walk through each room in your home or business and fill one bag with trash and the other bag with things to be donated.
  • Make a plan to drop off your donation items! But, don’t wait too long- that’s more clutter in your home or car.
  • If you want to step it up a notch, take a third container around with you and as you find things that belong in another room, put them in that container. Then, as you go into the room where those things belong, put them away. It’s a quick way to tidy even if you aren’t doing the donation bag tip!
  • If you find things that don’t have a “home,” don’t let that derail you from finishing the entire walkthrough. When you complete the walkthrough, make that your next goal- making sure everything has a home. If you don’t have room for everything – consider purging!
  • Add this task to your calendar monthly!

If other people in your home grab a trash bag, too, you could make a more significant dent in your clutter and a difference in the lives of those receiving your donations! You’ll be surprised how much you gather each month. Implementing this task regularly can also help you save money. If you are more aware of your things and their spaces, you’re less likely to overbuy! You may also be able to sell some of the things you find!

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Shepard Organizing Solutions

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